300 Spartan helmet history(symbol of strength) - King Leonidas

The Spartan Helmet History- symbol of strength, loyalty, courage, and power

The Spartan helmet has a rich history and is known as a symbol of strength, loyalty, courage, and power. Dedicated to war, Spartans were known for their legendary physical and mental strength and their intense dedication to the defense of their city.
Their enemies feared the sight of Spartan warriors, shields raised, lances ready, and their helmets gleaming. Sparta was a strong city and her men gladly laid down their lives to defend her.
While many recognize the Spartan helmet symbol, let’s take a deeper look at the history of how this helmet became a symbol of warrior strength and why today’s fighting forces and action adventure fans still recognize its power.
300 King Leonidas Spartan Helmet
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The Spartan helmet is rightly one of the most iconic symbols of ancient Greece. Made to cover the entire head, leaving a T-shaped opening for the eyes, nose, and mouth, the helmet struck fear into enemies and inspired pride in follow compatriots. The efficient and simple design helped protect most of the head while providing access to the senses of the warrior. The Spartan symbol gained meaning in strength, loyalty, courage, and honor.
While Spartan men and women dressed simply, they had true affinity for the color of deep crimson red. This color of war was the least feminine of the colors and disguised their wounds in battle so as not to give away any weakness to their enemies. Spartan history clothing often incorporates crimson to reflect the spirit of the Spartan warrior.
Spartan history in clothing pays tribute to the great Spartan warrior spirit.. With the Spartan helmet displayed prominently, often with a bright crimson plume or a splash of the U.S. flag across it, Spartan clothing shows American pride and honors the ancient warrior who was unafraid to face the enemy in their rally for liberty.
Screenshot taken from History's Spartans: Implements of Death

What A Plume Signified in a Spartan Helmet

The reason behind the use of plumed helmets is that it made spartan soldiers appear much more imposing in battle. The helmet design would be based on the requirement of the type of soldier. There were a couple of basic kinds of helmets created for Spartan soldiers - one with plumes and another with no plume.

The Spartan helmets without plumes were designed specially for foot soldiers and were made of iron and steel, and the design of this type of helmet was very simple and was made in silver color. Ordinary Spartan soldiers were using this type of helmet so that they can be easily identified just by the look of the helmets they wear.

Warriors of high rank wore the plumed style of helmets, with the plumes serving to distinguish battle leaders from the rank and file. The Red plumed helmets and foot soldiers' helmets displayed the same design. Spartan helmets, most often constructed of iron and brass, featured a pair of vertical cheek guards as well as an aperture in the guard to allow breathing.

300 spartan king Leonidas helmet replica

Spartan helmets featured a crest holder where the plume was affixed, typically in the helmet's center for added stability. Some Spartan helmets had crests on the sides as well, and the plumes were attached on the sides. These days there are many replicas of the Spartan helmets available in the market, and they are made in different sizes and different colors. A tan plumed silver helmet , a tan plumed black helmet ,or a brass helmet with tan or red plume:These combination helmets can easily be found. A helmet can be selected that will match the color scheme of the room you are decorating with it.


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